


22 - just here to read fan fiction and fill my head full of delusion

“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”

not even risking that shit

scrolled past this, re-evaluated my life, then SCROOOLLLED back up and hit the damn reblog button. 

Last comment same thing. Sorry to the next person who sees this. I just can’t risk it. I have things I need to do before my life becomes hell. Lol

man i fucking hate yall who tf put this up knowing damn well we all gonna reblog it im heated im really sick af bout this 

I don’t play that shit lol sorry

Sorry everyone

If only if only the woodpecker sighs the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky why the wolf waits below hungry and lonely he cries to the moon if only if only


this post followed me to Facebook and im sooo annoyed!

It’s been a MINUTE since I’ve seen Madame Zeroni, fr fr



Not tryna fuck up any of my planetary Returns~

One time I didn’t and I was broke for like a month but the next time I seen it I rebloged it and a bitch just got 500 out the blue and a 20 gift card

Reblogging for 2020. Happy New Year, everyone.

I’m not risking it

After 2020??? This shit isn’t a joke!

I’m actually so thankful this popped up right now because I need that and this post always works

To everyone who sees this bc of my dumb ass im sorry but I already have bad enough luck as it is sooo say hi to Madame Zeroni

Never seen this lady before, but not gonna risk it 🤷‍♂️

Bro I’m already cursed enough you can’t do this to meeeee

can someone confirm this is the gal from the movie/book holes or am I tripping

Fkn hate these chains BC I’m soo scared to not repost


Customer started yelling at me because I was 1 minute late to open the shop so I banned him from shopping with us and locked the door on him. Play stupid games.

This man had the audacity to come back at the end of the day as I was closing up by the fucking way. Ranting and raving about how he had been mistreated and that no one had even bothered to reply to his complaint email all day

Well I had the UNBRIDLED joy of informing him that not only had I seen his email, which was insanely abusive towards me for the crime of being 1 minute late and not putting up with his shit first thing in the morning, but that I was also the manager who he demanded to speak to, and I’d now also had our IT team block his IP address from being able to contact us or order with us ever again.

I should’ve been allowed to castrate the man but this will have to do

Okay this got way more notes than I was expecting so I feel like I should add some important context here. I’m not management. I’m not even middle management I’m just some guy that works here. I don’t have the authority to do any of this I just like lying to customers


"nobody is judging you" wrong, my mother is seemingly always judging every single stranger she sees


Reblog if you think a woman can be complete without children



hey boss i can't come in today it's a sunny day and there's a lovely breeze coming in through my window, yeah it's rustling the branches of the tree outside that's finally bloomed so it's pretty serious


nasa: we're going to shoot three rockets directly at the sun during the total eclipse. for study and research purposes.

me: oh cool

nasa: we have named the rockets apep. this stands for atmospheric perturbations [in the] eclipse path.

me: oh cool

nasa: apep is also the ancient egyptian deity of chaos and darkness, who ceaselessly seeks to extinguish the sun. we launch these rockets directly at the sun in the name of apep.

me: oh... cool?


Every episode of supernatural I watch one of them is saying “we should Go and Hunt Monsters on The Road” and the other is saying “are you sure? What about that Recent Traumatic Event?” And then the first one goes “what would make me feel better is to Hunt, and Kill Monsters, on The Road”


so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

okay so i just got my dream job??? a week after applying to it?? and now i’m thinking….maybe this is the good luck post

…..not even six hours later i got an offer of a well paying full time long-term job with free room and board in queens in nyc, allowing me independence and a way to escape an abusive situation and an unhealthy environment

likes charge reblogs cast, folks, this is the good luck post

i need all the help i can get for finals

Hey so

the last time I reblogged this post right before I got a great job, in a permanent work-from-home position, with benefits, retirement, and a salary literally 3x what I was making before, doing something I really like. 

So you know. 

This might be the real one, y’all.

what the hell? i could use some luck *hits reblog*

World Heritage Post

reblogging again… need it bad lol 

Reblog bc my revision isn’t saving me so im hoping tumblr will insted


good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿


this for real fucking works

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